Services Offered
We specialize in wellness implementation like you’ve never seen, even from other naturopathic doctors, chiropractors, acupuncturists, herbalists, nutritionists, and other health coaches and advocates.
We accomplish this via our extensive experience and educational background, together with our scientifically-proven wellness pillars, all while keeping your support highly personalized and targeted to you via state-of-the-art diagnostic assessments. In this way, guesswork is removed, time is saved, and money is well-invested.
Every patient is unique, so their wellness must be too!
Doctor Visits
New Client Visit
Your initial appointment will last 50-80 minutes with Dr. Patel, and includes a thorough past health history and creation of a care plan that outlines what you can begin to do to achieve your health goals. We’ll discuss potential blood/hormone/allergy testing, perform pertinent physical exams, and provide a safe space for you to have someone who will truly listen to all of what’s involved in your health story.
Available through telephone and video conferencing.
Follow Up / Lab Review Visit
Follow Up visits last between 20-50 minutes, as each session is based on your individual health needs. The first follow up is usually recommended after 4 weeks, depending on your particular needs, and subsequent visits will vary (typically 2-5 months) depending on your health condition and response to care. Dr. Patel will assess your progress, review lab work, update supplements, and answer any questions you might have regarding your care plan.
Available through telephone and video conferencing.
We offer 3 Types of Programs
4 month wellness program
Our most popular option is for 1+ health challenges of medium to long term duration where the 6 pillars of wellness can be learned and implemented along with in-depth education and course correction along the way. This curriculum includes lab work, education and health coaching along with follow-up visits with Dr. Patel.
Fertility program
The first Naturopathic fertility program in Georgia! A comprehensive approach to improve fertility for both partners by determining our patient’s starting point and building a strong foundation of preconception health from the ground up. This curriculum includes lab work, education and health coaching along with follow-up visits with Dr. Patel.
Whole Body Reset Program
A Health Coach-supervised reset program designed to help repair your gut and liver, teach you how to feed your body with the right kinds of nutrition for optimal health, and set you up for a lifestyle centered on wellness. Health Coaching, education and supplements to use throughout the 30-day and 60-day programs are included.
Annual Memberships
For our patients who have completed one of the programs above, we offer a discounted 12 Month Membership program. This is ideal for patients who have complicated cases, serious health challenges of significant duration or simply want to keep working to recover wellness and sustain it for a lifetime. Our annual memberships included some maintenance lab testing and discounts on supplements.